Hey all, apologies for the site being down over the past few days. I’ve managed to rectify it’s issues and now I’m back to the blog. To spice things up a little, for a change this isn’t some wonderful wisdom. Instead, it’s a simple update. More particularly, about my book.

I’ve just received my second version of the book in the mail and boy you should have seen my face when the delivery man turned up! There’s a lot of change in this publication and I think it’s about time to give you guys a quick once over on the behind the scenes.
Let’s start with a bit of prologue. For the last few years, I’ve been keeping a diary on the daily antics of my life. The reason mainly comes down to the poor memory of mine. One day I’d like to look back and remember those forgotten times. As some of you may already know, I also went to summer camp… or affectionately known as Camp America. Thankfully, I kept up the diary and I’m now ready to reveal all.

There’s No Place Like Summer Camp Book is Coming Soon, Really Soon.

Coming later this year, There’s No Place Like Summer Camp will be released (19th September 2017). It’s the personal memories that I kept over the course of my first year of independent travel. You will get to meet some outlandish characters, crazy kids and quite surreal stories of what volunteering at summer camp is really like.

It’s taken a butt-load of work and there still is a whole load more still to do behind the scenes. Currently clocking in at over 120,000 words, which is easily the biggest amount of scripture I’ve ever wrote. Heck, it’s even bigger than my Automated Pac-Man program dissertation project which is really saying something.

So, allow me to break down what’s been going behind the scenes all this time.

A few special announcements about my book

The Title

So, I’ve finally settled on a title. This took a good few months of head-scratching to find one that perfectly sums up it’s contents. Like all good names, I finally stumbled on to There’s No Place Like Summer Camp and I absolutely love it.

Feel of the book

Since its first incarnation (which was used to test the waters), the whole feel for the book has changed and I do mean quite literally. The quality of paper has been much improved, along with a much silkier feeling cover. I’ve put every intention in making this book ideal for taking on your travels and boy does it feel high quality!


The content has had a massive overhaul. There’s a lot more context to situations that occur in the story. There’s now background to the characters in There’s No Place Like Summer Camp along with the day to day life of how summer camp runs. As you’d expect, there are millions of spelling and grammatical fixes thrown in for good measure too. To top it off, the book has a few cool features that you don’t really see from many other authors these days. There’s photos, social media updates and daily ratings which all add up to one unique reading experience, much like summer camp is unique in itself. There’s some “other stuff” in there too, but I’m a fan of surprises so will keep you hanging on that one.

Availability and release date

I’ve nailed a release date, the 19th September 2017. The intention is to get the physical book perfected first and then eBook version will be worked upon once the rest is complete. As for availability, it will be available on Amazon on 19th September 2017. I’ll be working hard behind the scenes to also get it in Waterstones and other high street retailers too.


The covers have been totally re-imagined to better reflect the summer camp vibe. The whole design has been worked upon from the ground up to better leap off the shelves!


There’s going to be a few blog posts in the coming months about Summer Camp and the books progress too. I’m super excited to continue to refine my first entry into the world of books and I’m happy to announce that any book updates will be posted here first.


There’s still a lot of work to go and this will be the best place to keep an eye on whats going on. It’s quite an exciting time and I want to nail the release.


I’ll see you in the next one,
