My Response to “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years’ Time?”
In 2017 I wrote a blog titled ‘Where Do You See Yourself in 5 years’ time?’ and guess what, it’s been five years since that blog. So what better time than now to give it a read over and give my reaction to where I have gone within those five years.
The article, which I read in my latest episode of There’s No Place Like Summer Camp (you can listen here on Spotify), turned out to be more of a guiding set of principles, rather than about actual tangible goals to be honest. It was a discussion piece about how so many people nowadays are consumers of a capitalist world. How do people do their 9-5 only to be a consumer on the weekends. It is so rare that I’d look around and think others around me would be adding anything to the world, only being a customer of it. I must say, that I stick by that viewpoint. I don’t think I see that changing anytime soon. For some, it’s in the DNA of who they are. It is what they enjoy.
But I think for me, it has to be my way of working. I empathise with Fearne Cotton’s Happy Place podcast, where she often says how if she isn’t being productive in some way, it feels like she may as well not be on this planet at all. I get that, it’s how I run. It is who I am, and isn’t something I would change. I would just love to see that ambition a little more in the general public.
So What’s Changed?
Travel Problems
How Does My Five Year Plan From 2017 Hold Up?
Where do I see myself in 2027?
Man, just writing 2027 is weird. By that time, I’ll be 34. That’s old.
Hell, even when I turned 21 back in the day, I felt old. And I felt even older when I turned 27. Well, duh, that’s how ages work…