My Desert Island Discs
If you have visited my site before, you may find the blog is tidier. Gone are the summer camp posts, only rambling posts like this remain. The summer camp stuff has been moved to a new dedicated website – And with their move to a shiny new home, so too comes a fresh swathe of summer camp podcast content. Coming January 2020, is a series of weekly podcast episodes all revolving around Camp America and summer camp in general. Each Tuesday, I hope to provide something special and filling in a niche that I so know and love by providing entertaining podcast content.
And speaking of podcasts, I’ve been listening to Desert Island Discs over the past couple of years. I’d like to divulge what would make it over to my Desert Island, after two years of thought!
- Champagne Supernova – Oasis
I remember Champagne Supernova being one of those songs I stumbled upon while downloading songs from Limewire in the early 2000’s. It felt as though I had found a hidden gem of a song, and stuck with the long seven minutes while no one was aware that such a tune even existed.
Of course, I was wrong, for this absolute blast features in many ‘Top Songs of Oasis’ charts. But as a thirteen year old, stumbling across this was like stumbling across a diamond in Minecraft. It felt like my MP3 player took me on a journey that others were oblivious to.
Champagne Supernova opened the world to me, experiencing something other-worldly. It made me a die-hard Oasis fan, and this is the one that makes the cut to my Desert Island.
2. All These Things That I’ve Done – The Killers
You’ll find a trend in my list that I love a longer song. There’s just something about an artist going on a rift, like watching a surfer catching a wave. There’s a flow state where they can do no wrong, taking the audience on a captivating ride.
All These Things That I’ve Done by The Killers is more than a ride, it speaks to who I am as a person. I remember watching Stevenage FC play as a teenager and swiftly putting my iPod Classic on after the match. Again another song that was downloaded from Limewire out of sheer curiosity of the band who made Mr Brightside, if they had more to offer. When this song came on, it spoke to me. My hairs stood on end. I felt the journey this song went on, going through the tough times, but the essence of you remains, no matter how the outside world tries to bring you down. The doubts you have, being overlooked, growing up and moving on from the past. This song got me through a breakup but I also felt rejuvinated too, like it was my purpose in life to try things. Whether that be watching a boring game at Broadhall Way, going on experiences or starting new exciting projects. To me, All These Things was someone looking back on their life and this was the music it matched up to. I want this tune on my playback of life too, being proud of the accomplishments I’ve made and the troubled journey I’ve taken.
In 2018, I saw The Killers live in Manchester. Holy fuck was it the best thing I’d ever seen. This song has soul. And The Killers are one hell of an experience to look back on when I kick the bucket.
3. Vertigo – U2
I’m seeing a trend! This is another song that I used to have on my MP3 player. Perhaps I found this one because their Beautiful Day single was used as a soundtrack on The Premiership back when football highlights were on ITV.
U2 are a band I’ve also grown to love, in my top 5 bands for sure. And I admit, there are tunes that I love more than this song now. City of Blinding Lights, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, Where The Streets Have No Name and You’re The Best Thing About Me to name a few. But Vertigo takes the chalice.
It’s because I have memories of playing Vertigo on repeat with the volume at MAX. I’d press the earphones into my ears so I could hear every drum beat and guitar string plucked. I remember saying “If I go deaf for this, fuck me it’s worth it”.
I guess there’s nothing topping that!
4. Lose Yourself – Eminem
There’s not much detail I can divulge on this one. But let me put it simply, this got me through some extreme times. It’s a superb song to get you pumped up and ready to fight for your life – something you will need on an island too!
I’ve been trying to master the lyrics of this song for many years I’ve listened too, I think I’m about 60% of the way there. And what better place to get it perfect than on a Desert Island.
5. Rhythm Of The Night – DeBarge
I never would have thought a song like this would make my island if I had been writing this blog post when I first pondered my Desert Island Discs.
This got into my Island because I was having the time of my life in Amsterdam with childhood friends. It was only last year we went Amsterdam for a long overdue weekend away. We were in a club at the tail-end of a bar crawl. So much was going on, which I’ll leave to the imagination(!), and when this song came on, I felt out of this world. It was the first time I’ve ever felt like I could dance, and by dance, I mean dance. All of my awkwardness was out the window and as I danced, it felt I was in the truest sense of flowstate I’d ever experienced. Rhythm Of The Night came on at the most opportune time, and spoke the story I saw before me.
There were so many funny memories made from the friends I had known for well over half of my life. And not only was the song telling the story of my best friends before me, but it also felt like a turning point. For few years I had struggled with mental health issues and this song felt like a message from God. “Forget about the worries on your mind (you can leave them all behind)” is just one lyric that resonated with me that special night.
Rhythm Of The Night as I’ve come to learn, is a common name for a song. But this particular one from DeBarge brought friendship, memories, mental health and travelling all into one perfect song. That trip in 2018 will live long in the memory.
6. American Pie – Don McLean
Continuing my fascination with the longer song, American Pie takes its well-deserved spot on my Desert Island. This song takes me back to when I was a kid, growing up in Cubs and Scouts gathering around the campfire. The same friends I mentioned on the Amsterdam trip were with me here, and often we’d go on these campouts. One of the most iconic songs sung at this time, was American Pie.
My friend Ian would pick up his acoustic guitar, and we’d all stare blissfully into the flames; singing the song almost out of sub-conscious.
I’d need this song with me on the desert island. Not only for the campfires, but to remind me of home.
7. Fairytale of New York – The Pogues
OK! OK! I hear you!
What on earth is a Christmas song doing on this list!? I hear you cry.
Well, there’s some logic.
Fairytale of New York is my favourite Christmas song. Every time it comes on the radio, I cannot help but sing along. I’ve got this one 95% nailed, and I’m better as the female lead.
I’m a massive Christmas fan, and I start to get excited as soon as September hits. My thought for adding this song to my desert island is that not only is it one of my favourite songs, but for near enough half the year, I’ll be in a Christmas spirit!
There’s no taking this one off the list I’m afraid!
8. Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough – Michael Jackson
I got to here and didn’t have any more songs that hit a sentimental note. So I went for one of the King’s greatest hits. It was a tossup between Michael Jackson, Queen and Meat Loaf.
When this song comes on, you cannot help but tap your feet. Your body wants to groove and I think a tune like this will be a great addition to my Desert Island.
Book: Aesops Fables
I thought for a while about which book to bring. And I settled on something that’s a bit religious. It’s not like I don’t read – on GoodReads this year I’ve read 6 books. But I didn’t really see the point in bringing something like the 12 Rules for Life with me to an island. Aesops Fables though, has some value. It teaches you in a way how to live a good, rounded life. Teaching you the morals that have been passed down through the generations and the reasons for it. I felt that a book like this would not only be easy to read, but I’d be able to ponder on it too.
Luxury Item: Either a Gameboy Advance (with all games and batteries), or if that’s not allowed, a stationary set.
My thinking for this, is that I’m a gamer. And if I need to wind down after a hard days graft, then what better than some retro games. A Gameboy Color is a sturdy thing, with plenty of classics I can spend my time within. If however, electronics are not allowed – then I ask for notepads, pens and pencils (a stationary kit if we are being pedantic!). I like to journal and writing down things I have accomplished to look back on (hey, are you seeing a connection between this website and that notepad? 😉 ).
Having a stationary set also means I am not limited to just the pen. It means on one day I can try my hand at drawing, painting or playing games with whichever inanimate friend I create on the island.
Anyway, there’s my third blog post for this year! It’s been a quiet year on this blog, but holy heck has 2019 been a good one. Sometimes, things like this site take a back seat which is okay.
I like to have each of my blog posts with a moral. What’s this one? Be yourself. Don’t be afraid to share who you are, whether there are questionable choices on your desert island or not.
Merry Christmas and I’ll see you in 2020!