Perspective of Change
Over the years, I’ve come to realise one of my greatest weaknesses. Routine.
I guess it’s because of procrastination that I don’t like routine. All too often, we take the time on this earth for granted. It leads us to remain static and boring. Heck, I’m guilty of it too. Without some vague routine to your days, you’d become exhausted. So I am here to provide some vague clarity on what change can do for you… Damn I’m sounding like a salesman.
Change is one of the most liberating feelings. It’s what brings a spark to an otherwise bland life. The more change you make, the more you experience before you kick the bucket. The more you change stuff up, the more you learn. And as I’ve got older, the risks I take have become greater while I seek more from the world. What I’ve come to understand though, is how change isn’t always a conscious result of action and forethought.
It Can Be the Small Things
Living independent has highlighted some of the minor food habits I’ve pruned into my diet in my twenties. I’ve grown fond of a variety of foods that I would otherwise turn my nose up at. Tomatoes, in their full form and not in some form of sauce… Mushrooms, intermingled with steaks, pasta dishes and curries… Gravy is its own story. Since the move to Manchester, you’ll see me pour it on most things. Meat? Yup. KFC? Yup. Mopping it up with a slice of bread? Not quite yet.
The change I’ve made stretches beyond the dinner table too. There have been a number of groups I’ve joined and countless new people met. There have been the workplaces I’ve worked at. The sports areas I’ve played at. The touristy things I’ve done and the holidays I’ve taken. A move to a new city does that to you.
I’ve mentioned this before and I’m sure I’ll mention it again. Travel has fast become a passion of mine and I know that spark was ignited with Camp America. The lust for meeting new people, exploring new areas and creating lasting memories. Travel is a cure for both procrastination and routine.
A Return Back to Potters Bar
A recent visit to the parents back in Hertfordshire opened my eyes up to how much I have changed as a person. Returning to the hometown of Potters Bar and seeing family still in the same state as I left, it didn’t feel right. I’ve tried to advise on the uncertain situations they find themselves within, but nothing changes.
It puzzled me at first, but I soon realised who am I to judge? Who am I to advise? Am I an all-knowing being? Of course not.
It was me who had come back to normality, my hometown. I was the one who had gone through all these micro-changes that have made me a complete, changed individual. Returning back to the parent’s place was an eye opener.
Since being away, the family had changed too, I just hadn’t realised it. No longer were they stuck with me or my brother. The puppy dog that replaced me had turned in to a great big soppy Labrador. The younger sister and mum now had full-time jobs. And the youngest sister had changed the most, going through the motions of years 6 to 8.
Travelling Is So Healthy for My Head
I came to realise this when preparing for my travels of Europe. The solo travelling, again proving what its worth, but that’s for another blog post and/or book… In the brief time I spent back home, I had the time to chill out with my favourite cat, Muffin. The usual wolf whistles and songs I would serenade her with weren’t working.
It took time, but she grew to love me once again, recognising who I was and snuggling up in my arms. While stroking her like an evil supervillain, I felt contrasting emotions. First was the rush of coming home, there’s no place like it. Then, the realisation of how ‘this was what I used to be like’.
So in all, I don’t really know what this post is. I guess it’s good sometimes to sit back, put your worries + stresses to one side and appreciate the small things. Be mindful.
I’ll see you in the next one,
P.S. I quite like the play on words in the title